It is true to say that in some cases, hearing loss can lead to depression. It’s not necessarily a nice topic to talk about, but it’s one that people need to be aware of, which is why we have written this article. For those people who are experiencing hearing loss, it is common to experience certain mental health issues as you either come to terms with it or as you make life changes due to the hearing loss. We’re going to look at some of the ways that hearing loss can lead to depression, and if you’re experiencing any of these, we would advise you to seek out some help.

Social anxiety and isolation

Hearing loss can cause a person to experience social anxiety, even if they have never experienced this before. If it gets worse, it can even get to a point where you try to actively avoid social situations such as going out with friends rather than having to strain to hear what is being said. It’s understandable while some people do this, but this is just one of the steppingstones to developing depression. It can feel as though social situations are unbearable because you have to actively try to keep up with what is going on. Going out no longer feels as though it is going to be something fun with your friends, but rather a chore that you have to do. It might even be the case that there are certain unsupportive people in your life who end up talking around you at gatherings, which can make you want to isolate. However, it’s important to realize that avoiding this communication with your friends and family isn’t going to help and it’s actually only going to make things worse. Having support around you increases the likelihood that you won’t get depression.

Feelings of sadness and stress

It can be a difficult adjustment to make in the beginning, and with this comes a lot of feelings of sadness and stress. You might end up feeling a whole different host of emotions because you are no longer able to hear some of the sounds that you used to enjoy. We understand that this is difficult, and stress can become a disorder on its own if it is just left to fester. This is especially the case if you work somewhere and you’re constantly worried that you haven’t heard something important correctly, which can lead to huge amounts of stress. Straining to hear these sounds can make everything more stressful for you, but if you avoid the place you work and listening to people, you’re more likely to develop depression. Living in a constant state of sadness and stress is only going to make your life that bit more difficult. Instead, head to your hearing instrument specialist (HIS) and see what help there is available to you.

Long term medical condition

Experiencing hearing loss isn’t always just an inconvenience, more often than not, it is a long-term medical condition that is unlikely to get any better. The same as any other chronic condition that people experience, it can hinder you from being able to experience life to the full extent, which can be difficult for people to come to terms with. It can lead to you feeling isolated from other people even when they surround you, and it can leave you feeling older than you are, being detached from the world. Listening to others becomes a chore rather than something you enjoy, and it can lead to some situations where you have misunderstood what another person has said, leading to an embarrassing or awkward conversation. Like any other chronic condition, it is life-altering and this alone puts you at a higher chance of being depressed, even if you are having it treated by a HIS.

Feelings of being different

If you’re experiencing hearing loss, then you might feel as though you are different from everyone else. That feeling of no longer belonging or feeling like you no longer fit in where you did previously is hard to come to terms with and can lead to feelings of sadness and anxiety like we discussed above. If you find yourself feeling different from others, this can increase the risk of you becoming depressed, as you don’t want to be picked on or singled out in the group. If you want to know more about this topic, then get in touch with AA Hearing Aid Center Inc. today. You can call today at 203-348-2271 where you will get to speak to a friendly member of the team.